When COF was initially using Personify, it seemed like a decent solution at the time. However, when the organization began to go through some significant changes, it was important that their technology had the ability to evolve with them. This is when COF began to encounter issues with Personify, such as:
Because of the pain they were experiencing, COF started to look into other solutions. They were really impressed with what they saw in Salesforce, in general, including how their upgrades were managed, the fact it’s 100% cloud-based, and the variety of apps available in the AppExchange.
They knew choosing a Salesforce-based AMS would be a significant change in direction, but it would be one they could definitely get behind.
With that, staff members at COF started to look at solutions, like Nimble AMS, which offered an AMS on top of a platform. They went through the design study with NimbleUser, and in December 2016, they eventually chose to work with the technology partner on their transition project. By August 2017, the project had been completed.
By choosing Nimble AMS built on the Salesforce platform, they now have plenty of opportunities to extend the system, because Nimble AMS integrates with multiple third-party applications.
COF felt comfortable in many aspects of their relationship with NimbleUser. The support system was great, and Salesforce was also providing help when they needed it. There were no responsiveness issues in terms of needing solutions to their problems, and they felt the NimbleUser staff was knowledgeable and invested in being helpful. NimbleUser is also proactive about making sure COF is upgraded on the most up-to-date version at all times.
Nimble AMS continues to evolve and grow with their organization, because of the Salesforce platform. COF staff feels that Nimble AMS makes it very easy for them to self-support. While their organization goes through changes and evolution, they’re able to take over administration and customization, allowing them to evolve very, very quickly, which is so valuable to their entire team.
NimbleUser and Nimble AMS bring an understanding of how associations work, coupled with Salesforce’s ability to be leveraged to support the initiatives of organizations (membership, event registration, committee management, or whatever the goals may be).
In particular, COF saw significant improvement in three specific areas, including:
“I’m very, very happy compared to what we came from. We made the right decision. It is the right system for us. I have no problem recommending it to folks. And I wish we had done this sooner.”
Russ Barratt,Vice President of Technology, Council on Foundations