Nimble AMS myTrailhead: Helping association staff level up their skills

Learning about the platform on which your association management software (AMS) is built helps you level up your skills and make the most of your technology investment.  

Here’s how Salesforce Trailhead works and how the Nimble AMS myTrailhead helps customers upskill, reskill, and get more out of their software. 

Up-levelling and rebuilding staff skills is critically important when it comes to keeping an organization going strong. According to LinkedIn Learning’s 5th Annual Workplace Learning Report, the largest enterprises globally have been investing heavily in arming their employees with the skills needed to meet today’s demands. In the report, learning and development professionals listed upskilling and reskilling as a top area of focus for their programs in 2021. 

What does that mean for your association? Just think about your association management software (AMS). It’s the technology that helps your association manage membership and operations. Shouldn’t your staff have an effective way to continually learn how to use it to its fullest – especially as new innovations are released and the software evolves? 

At Nimble AMS, we think so. That’s one of the reasons Nimble AMS is built on the Salesforce platform. Salesforce makes it easy for organizations to learn about the platform through Salesforce Trailhead. And with Nimble AMS myTrailhead, our own self-paced learning offering built on Trailhead and tailored for associations, Nimble AMS customers have an easy way to learn about their AMS.  

What is Salesforce Trailhead? 

Trailhead is an online learning environment that offers developers and administrators a guided learning path through the key features of the Salesforce platform using a series of interactive, online tutorials. It’s free, and it’s an ideal way for to learn in-demand skills from anywhere.  

What’s included in the Trailhead experience? 

Some key features of Trailhead include:

  • Self-paced learning – By choosing the appropriate “trail,” you can learn what you need, when you need it.
  • Learning paths – Trailhead presents content in a sequence, so you have a defined path to follow. That means you won’t waste time deciding what content to review and in what order.
  • Engaging content – Each tutorial consists of short units, making it simple, fast, engaging, and useful.
  • Interactive assessments – At the end of each unit, you can take a challenge to verify that you’ve understood the content you’ve just learned.
  • Gamification – Trailhead awards points and badges upon successful completion of units and modules. These awards are displayed on your user profile, giving you recognition for your expertise.
  • Trailblazer Community – You can access a large and supportive user community through the online Trailblazer Community. You can ask questions to learn from other community members, join groups to meet and collaborate, and help others by sharing your own knowledge.
  • myTrailhead – This capability allows organizations to customize the Salesforce Trailhead learning environment with their own content and branding. In keeping with the Salesforce world, myTrailhead offers easy-to-use point-and-click tools to create your own Salesforce learning paths. That’s where Nimble myTrailhead comes in.

Why is Nimble AMS myTrailhead great for Nimble AMS users? 

As a Salesforce partner, Nimble AMS works closely with Salesforce to replicate the same approach Salesforce uses for upgrades. Nimble AMS follows Salesforce’s proven methodology of three product releases per year to ensure customers can quickly take advantage of new functionality.

All of those releases mean lots of new tech innovations to learn. Nimble AMS myTrailhead provides a learning path tailored for Nimble AMS customers. Using Nimble AMS myTrailhead makes it easier for Nimble AMS customers to learn how to make the most of their AMS investment by optimizing their use of the platform upon which Nimble AMS is built.

TIP: Nimble AMS is the first AMS built on Salesforce to offer myTrailhead training, which gives Nimble AMS clients training on both the Salesforce platform and their AMS. 

Learn more.
Find out more about how Nimble AMS works with Salesforce to provide a great experience for associations: Read the article, Partnering with Salesforce and Our Customers for a Better Experience.

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Nimble AMS is a cloud-based association management software system built on the Salesforce platform. It offers multiple features and capabilities to help your association work effectively now and remain adaptable and resilient in changing circumstances. Take just 15 minutes to see how Nimble AMS, built on Salesforce, can help you take your association into the future.


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