Six tips to innovate at your association and improve the member experience

What does innovation mean for your association? Forbes defines innovation as something different that creates value. This “something” can include modern technology, like association management software (AMS).  
But how can an AMS create value in your organization? Read our blog for several helpful tips to get started.

How associations can innovate and improve the member experience

To become an innovative association, you’ll want to address and solve problems at your organization as they arise. With modern AMS, you can solve any organizational pain points. Here’s how:  

1. Automation. Choosing an AMS that leverages automation is a great way to embrace innovation at your association. With automation, staff can streamline manual processes and save time to dedicate to higher-value work, like member services. Look for software that is user-friendly allowing staff to automate processes with point-and-click actions, rather than code.

2. Artificial intelligence. Adopting an AMS with artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities can completely transform your association. Innovate with modern software and AI to improve your member recruitment and retention strategy by leveraging past member data to predict if a constituent is unlikely to renew. Your staff can use the insights to intervene before losing the membership.

Boost member service efforts by investing in AI chatbots. Your organization can answer frequently asked questions 24/7 and enhance the member experience on your association website.

3. Analytics. If you want to offer real insights for your organization, look for an AMS that offers user-friendly reports and dashboards. Leveraging dashboards lets you measure key performance indicators (KPIs,) helping your association track its progress and take control of its future.

Search for technology with dashboard functionality that lets you measure member growth, retention, engagement, and your overall ROI. Look for an AMS that has some built-in reports and dashboards made for associations, and also has user-friendly report-building software capabilities if your organization needs to build its own dashboards. 

Empower your entire organization to become data-driven with the power of Nimble AMS and Salesforce. With Nimble AMS you can take your data further with Tableau Analytics, putting your member data at the heart of each decision. Choosing Tableau will drive your organization toward new insights and will help you improve the member experience.

4. E-commerce. With a modern AMS, you can offer an innovative shopping experience for your members. Personalize your members’ e-commerce experience with technology solutions to highlight related products on your website. Create automated abandoned cart reminder emails to prompt members to return to your page to complete their purchase, enhancing the shopping experience and driving association revenue.

5. Online member community. Drive deeper member loyalty and connection with your online community. When you leverage an innovative AMS and online community platform, you can get real-time insights on how your members are engaging with certain groups, posts, or responses, helping you strategize points of connection.

6. Continuous upgrades. When it comes to innovation, you’ll want an AMS that offers continuous upgrades, to ensure your organization is always using the newest version of the software. When you have technology that routinely updates, you can offer staff the latest in innovation. Continuous upgrades also save your association money, tens of thousands per year, boosting your overall ROI.

Start innovating at your association to improve the member experience

Are you ready to discover even more tips to innovate at your organization and enhance the member experience? Catch our on-demand webinar: Securing Your Association’s Future with Innovation.

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